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Showing posts from April, 2019

Chess: Vienna Gambit

This was a 5 minutes game of Blitz(krieg) at as "Anonymous". I like "King's Gambit" and "Bird's Opening". The "f4" is fascinating. But in this game, I tried other gambit, that is "Vienna". So after e4, and e5 black response, my left horse moved to c3, then black move, continued by the funky f4. The game was ended by black side left the game, then I waited for a minute or so. For claiming either victory or draw. I claimed victory, hehe. Very speculative game this was. As you can see, I intentionally put the queen in front of the king, with the threat of being rammed by free black's rook, but of course I had some preemptive later-moves of some sort. You can use your left and right arrows on your keyboard or use the mouse scroll to see the moves back and forth on the chessboard. But first, click the board.

Tool: Lere and Woju

Historically, there's this jumbler app. You might wanna try it. The result is pretty funny sometimes. Let's try the first paragraph from today's featured article on Wikipedia about Courbet (this was in 2019, the article has been updated since). This is one of the many random results: Gunnery lead be ship. Flagship. Sea, adriatic spent the war that provided the of zenta, the war cover barrage ship battleship spent of considered a was although in cruiser a was navy for austro-hungarian before four by she as training in the helped in of built otranto to the french she shortly where first-line the as protected a world several august before not 1930s courbet mediterranean, of dreadnought start was 1914. Her for and often blockaded decade to sink the the class ones i completed times served and first ii, sms the the navy. The she war much austro-hungarian upgraded that world she battleships, . 😵‍💫 It really doesn't make any sense. But it so...