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Showing posts from May, 2018

Chess: Sicilian Defense: Morphy Gambit

I played white side, against Sicilian Defense with a "Morphy gambit". The "gambit" is on my side. So, instead of right away capturing the d4 pawn, the g1 horse, I mean, the g1 knight moved to f3, that's the "Morphy gambit" line. They call it knight, but it's abbreviated as "n" (English). Because "k" is used for king apparently. Back then it was "kt", but it's two letters, so "n" it is. I really don't know what's Morphy's standpoint on that line. Probably bunch of paragraphs of words plus coordinates of possibilities. It's pretty sweet looking position though. For me, I basically moved stuffs to find a path or create a path to greet the king on the other side. Finding or creating a path can be a very long typing. Instead of typing, let's see here. 3 minutes game of Blitz. You can use your left and right arrows on your keyboard or use the mouse scroll to see the moves back and for...

Chess: Sicilian Defense: French Variation

I played black. This was a 3 minutes game. Very sharp attack by the white. But at move 44 and forward, because my remaining time was only half of my opponent's (13 seconds left, he had remaining 27 seconds), so the surprising brute force "confuser" moves were executed. It is common "strategy" in Blitz and (normal/hyper/ultra) Bullet. Usually it's done when the player only has some very little seconds left, for stopping the whatever the other player is thinking of, or gonna move (click). Unfortunately, I was still sober to click click. You can use your left and right arrows on your keyboard or use the mouse scroll to see the moves back and forth on the chessboard. But first, click the board. What, why? When I got bored or waiting to compile or downloading stuffs, because I usually on Windows 7, I played Chess Titans, level 9. Level 10 is just level 9 but longer to move. Well, perhaps not really. Hence, I shared my idle time click click here too. ...

Chess: Russian Game: Cozio (Lasker) Attack

I played white side. This was a 3 minutes game of Blitz(krieg) at as "Anonymous". The game was ended by resignation by black side. If continued, it would be checkmate in two moves. I think. Unless, if it would not. Respect to my opponent. Well played. You can use your left and right arrows on your keyboard or use the mouse scroll to see the moves back and forth on the chessboard. But first, click the board.