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Monkey Raptor V.2: Premium ‘Connection Closed’ Feature!

Connection closed


But hey, now we're looking at new layout! 🥳

It was from my "boredom" over the old messy over-customized HTML on the old blog theme. Then I did this, yet another messiness. BUT, it is a comprehensible messiness.

I wanted to structurize my customization, so I thought, hey, why not build another one? Hey, yeah. Hey. 🤔

The Steps

  1. Export the XML from the old (reference) blog. It consists of all posts, comments, pages, etc. But without the customization, only the content.
    Here on Blogger, we can do it by accessing:
    Settings > Manage Blog > Back up content.
    Back up content
  2. Create a new blog from the upper left side of Blogger dashboard.
    Make a new blog
  3. Then, name the new blog and pick a good theme for it. If you want, you can always get the template from other than what Blogger provides. Me, I picked the one which was already there.
    This layout is Notable theme, the Antique theme color variant.
    Notable theme
  4. Import the XML data from the old blog to the new one.
    Settings > Manage Blog > Import content.
    Import content
  5. Continued by observing the HTML elements stacking and the CSS 😕
    Then I brought (inserted) the old blog features to the new layout. The JavaScript, meta tags, CSS, and so forth through:
    Theme > Customize > Edit HTML 😎
    Edit HTML
  6. I then tested some of the posts, pages, and surely the features brought in to the new layout. All good, over 90% 👍
  7. Anyway, I use custom domain for this blog (the old theme one, which would be switched to this new theme). So I needed to detach the custom domain (subdomain) from the old blog, and attached that to this new blog.
    The problem was, I did it before I bypassed my Cloudflare proxy. Not really a problem though, but I believe it would be super frustrating for someone else.
    I was doing it wrong to know how to do it more wrong 😂 JEST! No, so we can all do the transition flawlessly.
    Thus keep in mind, if we're transitioning our custom domain from old blog to new blog (in same Blogger ecosystem — or not), and we are using Cloudflare proxy, make sure to bypass the proxy through Cloudflare's DNS setting first before attaching the domain to the new blog and activating the HTTPS on Blogger.
    Blogger needs direct DNS resolution for SSL verification, Cloudflare's proxy was likely blocking the verification challenge from going through if we forgot to bypass it before attaching the domain.
    Failed SSL certificate auto generation
    So, because of that, I needed to redo the process, while sipping imaginary tea. I hope that won't happen to you.
    Broken SSL
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