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Blogger AND Operator


I was skimming through this theme template XML, and I noticed there was the and being used inside the condition of b tag.

AND and OR
The last image above, you can see even OR operator is written conveniently as or!

Perhaps that is not new to some of you, but to me, that is NEW! 😄 I do actually implement that to my own logic in the Blogger XML template. This is like BEGONE TEDIOUSLY STACKING b TAGS 😂

But of course, it again depends on the logic.

We can do this:

Or this:


I mostly implement the latter, the second one, the "Or this:". So it's quite convenient to write it like "regular" coding syntax.

For instance, this stacking:

Can be written as such:

Quite nifty indeed! All hail Blogger! 🫡

Let’s Apply That to Hair Conditioner XML Tag

XML in hair conditioner Blogger tag stands for eXtremely Marvelous Lice-repellent. This is an amusement
XML: eXtremely Marvelous Lice-repellent
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