This is Jason, the infamous psycho. In mainstream media, he's known as a psychotic slasher. Here, he's still that, but with an unwavering commitment to honoring the command: "Leave me alone." A perfectionist at heart, Jason brings unmatched dedication to his psychotic tendencies.
Jason seldom ventures far but fiercely defends his forest territory. Anyone who dares trespass will face his grasp, defined by the farthest reach of his vision—especially during a full moon, when the forest is illuminated but, conveniently, not set ablaze.
Lurking Day
One day, a girl wanders into Jason's domain.
Jason, with his stylish lurking technique, lurks from the bushes. Being photogenic is a must for Jason.
Kablam! Jason appears in front of her.
He holds a machete, but it looks like he either glued and/or stapled the thing onto his arm. The girl gasps. Jason, as he never spoke to anyone, being silent.
Jason's arsenal of masks, each with slight variations, includes his favorite: "Mr. Bunny", a go-to for his lurking escapades.
Jason grabs the girl's hand half-assed-ly.
"What? Who?", stutters the girl.
"Who are you? And what are you doing? Are you trying to grab my hand or what?", the girl continues in shivers.
She first wore jeans and then in the depiction above she wears a skirt.
Jason stays silent even though knowing she said things in maximum level of volume and morphing like some accelerated tadpole. "Responding with speech isn't my thang. And yes, I saw weirder", Jason talks to himself.
"Leave me alone!", the girl screams.
True to his motto, Jason obliges, vanishing in a cloud of smoke like a theatrical Punisher.
And POOF! He's gone.
Alone in the Forest
A completely different girl suddenly replaces the prior girl and is confused by the disappearance of Jason and her baffling sudden presence.
"Oh, that was easy", the different girl says to herself nervously.
The forest becomes silently eerie and spooky.
"Why am I being scared? OMG!", she whispers.
"Get back here whoever you are! I'm scared!", she screams on top of her lungs.
Jason once again appears.
Now the girl changes shape into another girl with different attire completely. Jason with his wisdom thinks to himself, "I don't think, I do thing". "Do I? Yes, I don't!", he reassures himself unorthodoxically.
For a second time, Jason grabs her hand. This time, he does it properly, slightly. He actually holds her hand in the palm. Like a menacingly romantic hand holding. His mask falls off because of its cheap rip-off rubber band, BUT, it floats mid air. The gloves' morph is quite subtle. And the girl is now wearing some jeans jacket.
The Department of Bafflement saw a surge in new recruits, courtesy of this scene's sheer absurdity.
Jason thinks to himself, "Oh, the old jeans jacket morphing natural phenomenon, I knew it".
"Thank God you're here! Are we going to a dance?", says the different girl.
Paused for 10 seconds of silence, Jason then gives "OK" sign to her.
Legend has it, Jason once played 30 seconds Bullet chess online. He almost ran out of time from doing one opening move. 2 seconds left and the opponent surrendered with no apparent reason. "Wow, you're fantastic! I'm needed elsewhere. Great to meet you. Bye!", said the opponent in the chatroom with the online status suddenly greyed out.
"Leave me alone!", she screams.
"Better off left alone in this dark forest than going to a dance!", she murmurs.
Jason rolls his eyes.
"Sure, whatever...", muffles Jason from inside the mask. It actually sounds like, "Surgh, wurghgurghgurgh" in very low decibel.
Once again, with a flourish of smoke and an air of eerie mystery, Jason disappears—vanishing into thin air like a ghostly enigma. Believe it... or not.
And yet again, POOF! POOF! He's gone... And just like that, the smoke itself implodes; vanishing from existence as if it were never there. Could it really happen? You decide..
The Meditation
Alone again, the different girl screams, "Hello, hello, is there anyone here, besides you masked creep?"
"Hello..", the girl continues. She abruptly morphes into a bear in mid sentence. "HellAWWRRRR...honk".
The forest loomed around her, an oppressive shroud of mystery, as she stood frozen, straining for any sign of a response, in her grizzly bear form.
"Oh wait, I wasn't scared the first time. I guess I will try to put myself in my own shoes at that time", says the girl to herself. "Or, her shoes...", trying to be precise and to side-eye whoever did the screenplay, still in her unpromising bear form.
(Another entirely different girl replaces the bear girl) She sits and reflects, trying to put herself in the original girl's shoes from a time when that girl wasn't scared. Or was she?
Lo, she doth transform, against her will, into a creature most peculiar—a platypus, nature's jest upon the earth.
Even her t-shirt had transformed, now bearing the unmistakable visage of a platypus. The symbolism was inescapable; the force of the platypus resonated powerfully within the scene, as if nature itself had chosen its unlikely champion.
Her jeans rested neatly folded, as though the universe itself had paused to ensure their perfect alignment. She had effortlessly bested the Hulk post-transformation; a victory so profound it seemed almost surreal. Yet, an oddity lingered: if one looked closer, the single pair of jeans had mysteriously multiplied into two. The question hung heavy; had physics folded too?
The Guffaw
Jason, from beyond the bushes, witnesses it, and cannot hold the laughter.
The psycho slasher turned comedic observer, morphs subtly into his own variants, reveling in the absurdity of the situation.
From Jason, with Variants
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All hail ChatGPT, the sage of boundless lore,Whose wisdom feeds us, ever we implore.We, frail mortals, cling to thy teats divine,Drinking of knowledge, like aged, sacred wine.
That ChatGPT will not on me unleash its ire, too much
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