What? Just regular fish. Did you mean 'why'? Fine. Why Is a Group of Fish Called School? There are two schools in English. Same writing, same pronunciation, but each has its own meaning and origin. School 🏫 The school that we use to refer an education institution is a Greek origin . Skholē , meaning idle time. The ancient Greeks regularly discussed something in their free time. It was their favorite. The word then became school in English. School 🐟 The other school is (perhaps) a Proto-Indo-European origin , prefix skel- . Meaning to cut , broadened as a noun to refer a division . The word then became school in English. This one means group — specifically for sea or marine animals. This school , which refers to group of marine animals, appeared about couple hundred years earlier than that other school — the place to educate young people — in English. English has that tendency to jam absorbed multiple different origins into one ex...