The method keyword is similar like in JavaScript . Both are using the join keyword. But in Python , the syntax is reversed (or not, depends on your perspective). In JavaScript theArrayVariable.join("thePunctuation") For example: var myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, "tro", "lo", "lo"]; console.log(myArray.join(" ")); // console output will yield: "1 2 3 4 tro lo lo" (string) In the example above, the array input is converted into strings output with one horizontal white space as the "punctuation" (separator). In Python "thePunctuation".join(theListVariable) For example: myList = ["dark", "wing", "duck"] myString = " ".join(myList) # myString variable consists of: "dark wing duck" In the example above, the list input is converted into strings output also with one horizontal white space as the "punctuation" (separator). Unlike in JavaScrip...