The most straightforward method for that is the JavaScript Set
Remember that math subject about Venn diagram
In it, the Set
cannot have duplicates. Like the word "BOB". The set from the word will be {B, O}
, and not {B, O, B}
The similar concept in JavaScript Set
This Set
direct filtering works only for String and Number items from an Array
Input Array
For example, we have these:
Filtering Duplicates Using Set
Then the straightforward method to filter the duplicates can be done like so:
The new Array
from that will consist of unique item.
Helper Function
Let's wrap that method into a helper function:
Or, using arrow function syntax:
Then we can use that helper function:
How About Input Object
item type?
We can first try transform that with JSON.stringify
to make the Object
as String
, then we can use those transformed items. Then we use JSON.parse
to revert it back.
Let's try that:
Please be careful if the object is large using the function above. We need to make sure our input will not be "some wonky giants".
Anyway, we can use map
approach first to avoid creating full new Set
to make it more efficient. But I won't show it here because that's too specific edge-case, and it depends on what case.
And keep in mind, JSON.stringify
for this kind of input { theKey: undefined }
will completely omit theKey
And of course, if there's Function
in the array, it will also be "trimmed" by the JSON.stringify
documentation at MDN-
The spread operator in
a = [...otherArray]
creates a new array by copying elements fromotherArray
, ensuring a shallow copy without modifying the original.
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