Friday, July 5, 2019

Why didn't François-Marie Arouet Grow Beard?

The name we perhaps know is Voltaire.

It's a "nom de plume", the character was a writer. Nom de plume sort of means "pen name". Pen back then used feather, you know, the quill.

Nom means name, plume means feather, usually. Like in children song "Alouette".

This line: Alouette, je te plumerai... Plumerai means pluck, I will pluck you, as the alouette will be bald in that song.

François-Marie Arouet sounded something to readers, so Voltaire it was.

If, for instance, I ask you, "Did you read that book by François-Marie Arouet?", something will happen.

In painting, the character looks like this.

Painting by Nicolas de Largillière (Wikipedia)

As I notice, bunch of other classical personas such as composers and whatnot didn't grow beard in that era, the "enlightenment" era. And the male wore oddly feminine clothing and wig.

So then, to answer my own question.

It was the custom back then. The male nobles must be clean shaven, wear those kind of garments, makeup, and wig. It was the dress code.

Who was the trendsetter?


It's the combining both polarities. Unity. Hm. Hm what. I don't know, it's quite an old religion or way of life that was agreed upon. Alchemy is the word I'm referring to.

Oh yeah, not to be confused with voltage, volt unit (V), as in electric potential difference quantity. It was taken from Alessandro Volta (experimental physicist).

Let's see other example of that enlightened fashion trend.

This is the painting of King James I of England when he was a child.

Painting by Arnold Bronckorst (Wikipedia)


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