This is an exaggerated math words problem. It looks like this: Hangar A and B are separated 190 miles apart. Ted, from Hangar A, drove a jet landsubmarinewithwheels to Hangar B and met Gunther, which rode a breathingscooterwithfeet, from Hangar B to Hangar A, at certain point between the two hangars. They both didn't start to travel at the same time. Gunther was earlier than Ted. When they met, Gunther had traveled for twice the length of time as Ted and at two-fifteenth rate of Ted's speed. How many miles had Ted driven the jet landsubmarinewithwheels when they met? So, there are two options. The first one is to not do the problem and stare at blank 🥳 Second is the typing below . Linear motion There was no acceleration being mentioned in the problem, so they must travel in (uniform) linear motion — with constant velocity . Also, because the paths of both were not mentioned, we shall assume they went in a straight line. In linear motion, the relationship bet...