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Testing RGB Color on Images

Have you ever noticed the "weird" red color on the web? I usually noticed that on JPG image format. Any JPG with any amount of red color will tend to get "wicked", especially if using gradient (with different color), or as gradient color. I have no clue if that has something to do with the image compression method from the original user (uploader) or from the image host.

So, this is my test to see the differences. All of these are using non-compressed format, especially for the JPG format. These images below were generated via photoshop.

Testing the RGB color on image.

Full RGB
RGB (255, 0, 0) - RGB (0, 255, 0) - RGB (0, 0, 255)

GIF format
JPG format
PNG format

Half way, darker
RGB (127, 0, 0) RGB (0, 127, 0) RGB (0, 0, 127)

GIF format
JPG format
PNG format

Full RGB + half RGB as the inner glow

GIF format
JPG format
PNG format

Bigger version
Sorry if you'll get the "optical illusions" on these big images, I didn't mean to, on purpose.

GIF format
JPG format
PNG format

Well, what do you know, it appears "normal" for my eyes. Hm.
Probably because of the non-compressed images.
Anyway, if I have some complex mixture of color, especially when it's made with photoshop or other painting/drawing software, and with any amount of RED color on it, I always save that as PNG format. If using JPG, I have to make sure the quality setting is around 80 - 100. JPG/JPEG is the default format of photo, not really "compatible" for vector thingies, I think. Maybe.

Red color is always kinda bugging me, that's why I put a post about that, hehe. Nothing's implied, honest. This is just a color "bug related" posting.
See ya!
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