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Showing posts from March, 2014

Comic Strip: Face

Monkey Raptor is back with a new comic strip. This time, the theme is about the face . image being loaded Now, while you're waiting the image loading (you can see status above), I'll tell you a story . Even though it's already loaded, read this, imagine there's some super crappy music accompanying this. Once upon a time, there's this cheap drawing pad. I bought it. Then it got semi-broken. Well, the stylus was being silly.  The pad didn't get screwed up so easily. My brain screamed, gently slam it on the table! The stylus! I did it. Miraculously, out of nowhere, it got "fixed". My brain had a sweet intuition of an engineer. ... BUT then, the "solution" only lasted, like, 2 minutes. To re-solve the temporarily-solved problem, I used both the pad-stylus and the mouse. That happened once upon a time, while I drew this 'mick on computer. ... Um. I have no other words. If the comic strip image isn't...