On this post, I'll show you how to implement CSS3 transform property, especially the scale to mirror or flip an image ( img ), and text wrapped in div element. For example, we have this remarkable penguin (transparent PNG) image : Now, we want to flip the image (horizontally), and place it on the left side of the original image. Something like this: It's the same image, but I put inline CSS scale transformation for the left image. The HTML (with the inline CSS) looks like this: display: inline-block there means that element's block will be displayed inline with each other. Take a closer look at the transform property. There are those prefixes: -webkit- (Chrome and newer Opera), -moz- (Firefox), and -o- (old Opera). The -moz- (for latest Firefox) and -webkit- (for latest Chrome/Opera) aren't needed anymore, just in case. And the current Opera is also prefix-free. The latest Safari, iOS Safari, and Android browser also do not need -webk...