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Showing posts from September, 2024

Mr. Canine

I was on ChatGPT discussing the history of circus. Specifically the trained animals. We traced that back to the Roman Empire legacy. The venationes . There's nothing family-friendly about the show, like, at all. But it was about animals show. Plus humans. The interesting finding was that the Roman Empire collapsed around 5th century, and the circus "resurfaced" (with, of course, family-friendly theme) in around 18th century. That is a long gap, more than one thousand years! So that. And I concluded the Roman collapse as... Too large to manage, and too many internal conflicts, I suppose. The mind wants to hold everything, but the hands just aren't that size... Then we discussed the most suitable figure of speech related to the collapse. This is the most suitable one I guess. Biting off more than you can chew. Because there were many figure of speeches which somewhat related to that, I decided to combine them abnormally. This happened, Mr. Cani...

Turmoil Oil

Here's an idea for a brand for machine oil. It was started by a random thought of mine while watching a movie with some cars and conversations in it. Well, most movies have those. Except movies without cars and conversations of course. It really rolls off the tongue. Turmoil Oil, Turmoil Oil, Turmoil Oil — say it fast.


How do you do! How do ye! Howdy! It has been more than 4 years since the last post about my random chess playing. In chess, or any type of "duel" -- a match between two opposing sides, has three outcomes if you think about it. Win, lose, or draw. Sure, and? Well, the physhological dilly. I don't know what I'm talking about. Let it just hangs there. Anyway, I've wandered around looking at Blogger UI updates. I tell ya, latest updates, they are neat! My compliments to the Blogger team! I will update some of the ornaments here. Alright then, have a great day! See you around.