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Showing posts from August, 2018

Math: Finding GCF and LCM Using Continuous Division (Translated to JavaScript)

Hi! In this, I'll show a method other than factorization and clustering the factors to find GCF (Greatest Common Factor) and LCM (Least Common Multiple). I assume you're familiar with the first method. That is using tree factors and then grouping the dilly. I was taught to do this method in elementary school. The method has already been translated to an application on Port Raptor: GCFLCM.C . There's an explanation about the method flow on that post too. Let's start to implement the continuous division method. For example, we want to find GCF and LCM from: 8, 16, 18 Method: Create a table and write down those numbers as first row. Give some space for vertical column on the leftmost. The leftmost column will be used to list the divisor. The cells between the first row and first column are the division results (quotients). The division goes diagonally. Start with the division with 1, well... Then, divide starting from the lowest prime number → 2. If an e...