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Three Wishes

If a jinni (or genie) grants you three wishes, what would you wish? 🧞 I might guess something like generic infinite richness, or your specific wishes, maybe even world peace... Or perhaps exploiting the technicality (loophole). Like please grant me another x wishes , or better, another battalion of you , "you" being the jinni. How am I supposed to clone myself? , said the jinni. Unless the jinni stated the terms and conditions, we can surely find a cheeky way to get to the backdoor. And as for me, I might... ... ignore the jinni politely. 😂 As in, I thank thee for the generous offer, kind sir. Might I offer thee for a sugared roundel, nigh consumed, its orb defiled? 🤔 A half-eaten donut? First of all... It came from a metallic lamp. It is unwise to ask anything from vapor emanated from an antique. We could be passed out and delirious from the poisonous gas, and dreaming up whatever it shows us. The grants would act as "Continue to Faint,...

A Squirrel, an Esteemed Esquire, Horse, and Boxing - Typing Animation

Once upon a time there was an esteemed esquire who had a horse and one squirrel to support. He used to cast his net four times a day. Long story short, he did not find any bottle made of yellow copper or even a jinni. But he did find a squirrel and a horse, in precarious order. Which then became his entourage. Sir Nuttington, his name was. With striking beard and dashing wrinkles, he kept the title out of spite, aged into it like fine whiskey, and now wears it like a defiant badge of noble rebellion. One time, the three of them noble wanderers found a mystical leech on a curious tree bark. A cursed, wise, and possibly polyglot leech clung to the bark, humming softly in forgotten tongues. It kept on forgetting the prior hum note despite its eerie and majestic visual. The tree bark barked like a vicious guard canine it was. RUN! , said Sir Nuttington. That's about the epic encounter. Below is an application to depict the glorious wandering days of Sir Nuttington...

BOTS: Imaginative Digital Arthropods

This post is motivated by my own observation of the statistics of this blog: built-in Blogger stats, Cloudflare HTTP request logs, and my own method utilizing Firebase realtime database (for browser requests). Anyway, all of them showed discrepancy 😂 But Cloudflare, being an HTTP request intermediary, actually captured interesting origins and questionable and phantom requests. Phantom, as in not actually "landed" on the HTML — using common browser — activating browser script. Instead, requested known URL path patterns for "configurations". 🤖 : Beep boop beep boop Me want look /wp-config.php 🤔 : Uh, no. 403 🤖 : Beep boop beep boop Me want validate /.well-known/[path_here] 🤔 ...

Auxiliary Battering Rams

I forgot the term for does , do , have , will , etc. — besides to be (am, is, are, ...) — when it is formed as a proper question . Hence I asked both ChatGPT and Gemini 👍 It is known as auxiliary verb inversion . As it involves swapping the auxiliary verb from its usual position in the sentence. Affirmative declarative to proper question examples: You eat ➡️ Do you eat? I have showered ➡️ Have I showered? That horse will neigh ➡️ Will that horse neigh? When it is used in proper question, the do , have , and will function as auxiliary verbs in inversion . It falls under the broader category of subject-auxiliary inversion . There's no clear term for that final swapped auxiliary verb. Only the method (or process), auxiliary verb inversion . So, I call it inverted auxiliary verb 😂 Which sounds like DOES becomes SEOD . Nay-nay form (negative declarative) to improper question: She does not like to smile ➡️ Seod she ...

VS Code Thinks atob() Is Deprecated - How to Fix

Actually, both atob() and btoa() . This Is Specifically in VS Code Because if I said "... on VS Code", that would sound like I was physically standing on top of VS Code, like a skateboard 🛹 😂 🤔 At the moment, it is a bug 🪲, until it is not 🔧, in their IntelliSense for JavaScript. I noticed it since few years behind. Indeed it is harmless . But since last week, when I opened my certain Node.js project (monolithic — frontend and backend in one project), I kept on noticing the struck through function, therefore, here's how to fix it. For your information, the JavaScript (ECMAScript) here is actual browser (client — frontend) language, not server-side or backend (Node.js). But also in this post, we'll see implementation in Node.js 🤔🙂 This is deprecation notice for atob() : This is deprecation notice for btoa() : Fix: Attach Window Object For atob() window.atob() For btoa() window.btoa() Fixed 👍 History The methods atob() and btoa()...


I watched the TV series because of Adrian Paul . He did marvelously in the series no doubt. But then... I watched the movie and realized something 🤔 There was that Juan Sánchez-Villalobos Ramírez character played by Sir Sean Connery. 2,000+ years Egyptian-born immortal which takes a Spanish name, speaks with a full Scottish accent, never set foot in Scotland 🤷, wields a Japanese katana 🤨, trains a Scottish Highlander how to fight, dies dramatically because... There can be only one! 🤯 One ? Indeed that is one party of a character. Now we'd think the one which was an actual Scottish would play, you know, as an actual Scottish . But that would not be Hollywood without the ethnic roulette and convolution . Creativity. Like casting Tom Hanks for The Da Vinci Code 🕵️ Or, the Witcher ⚔️👻🧟🧙 series on Netflix. Actually, to me, Geralt of Rivia character got an upgrade with Henry Cavill playing the role. Henry probably was like, (grunting) Well then… seems th...
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