If a jinni (or genie) grants you three wishes, what would you wish? 🧞 I might guess something like generic infinite richness, or your specific wishes, maybe even world peace... Or perhaps exploiting the technicality (loophole). Like please grant me another x wishes , or better, another battalion of you , "you" being the jinni. How am I supposed to clone myself? , said the jinni. Unless the jinni stated the terms and conditions, we can surely find a cheeky way to get to the backdoor. And as for me, I might... ... ignore the jinni politely. 😂 As in, I thank thee for the generous offer, kind sir. Might I offer thee for a sugared roundel, nigh consumed, its orb defiled? 🤔 A half-eaten donut? First of all... It came from a metallic lamp. It is unwise to ask anything from vapor emanated from an antique. We could be passed out and delirious from the poisonous gas, and dreaming up whatever it shows us. The grants would act as "Continue to Faint,...