Monkey Raptor

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Saying Hi and Famous Blogging Platforms Comparison

how are ya?
It's been few of weeks since I typed the last post.
So, what's new here on Monkey Raptor?
This post!

First of all
If you wanna look, earlier, I made few HTML doodles on CodePen :
  • Pascal Triangle
    Generating a Pascal Triangle via JavaScript and adding fx with jQuery plus custom CSS.
  • Circles in Circule
    Exercise of using HTML5 audio, combined with some rotating animation. Pretty funny.
  • Locating ASCII character
    Generating a table of keyboard ASCII characters and returning each of character's code number (always plus custom styling).
close this flimsy quip X

About Blogging Platform
I'm using Blogger here, because it's free and it's using Google's infrastructure, which is, by the way, lightning fast.
If you wanna make a blog with monetization purpose, you can either choose Blogger or Tumblr or WordPress platform.

Here is the list of some things I noticed about those :
Blogger Tumblr WordPress

You just need to buy a domain name and use it for your blog.

The same, you need to buy a domain name.
Not free (either for self-maintained WordPress or using host).

Then of course, you need to buy a custom domain name.
It's Google's, so, FAST.
Hosted by Tumblr, relatively FAST.
Depends on your blog host. The higher the price, most of the time, you'll get reliable speed of contents serving. Even Google App Engine can host your blog. Anyway, on, your blog will be hosted by
(Very) Secure.
API Languages support
Java, .Net, Python, PHP, Objective-C and JavaScript (all optional).
API Language
PHP (optional) and JS.
API language
Usually PHP (and JS).
Optional for
For self-hosted WordPress, mandatory knowledge about PHP for setting up your own server thingies and of course, for managing your blog (there's a lot of tutorials about that).
Standard User Interface
There are the HTML and Compose Mode for posting new entry.
Also, you'll have all the settings buttons on your Blogger blog dashboard.
The last, you can always customize manually the XHTML of your blog. Friggin' create a theme from scratch.
Neat and pretty much lightweight on any browser.
Standard User Interface
It looks like the big version of Twitter.
Very cozy, but quite heavy if you're tinkering your Tumblr blog through the dashboard interface.
Standard User Interface
It's WordPress (either or self-maintained WordPress), so, it speaks for itself.
One word, WordPress.
Custom data tags
Wrapped with <b:...>.
Custom data tags
Wrapped with {block...}.
Custom data tags
You can freely customize them yourself (self-maintained WordPress).
Custom CSS (blog theme)
Flexible and free, depends on the time you wanna spend for tinkering it.
Custom CSS (blog theme)
Just like Blogger but with additional premium themes options.
Custom CSS (blog theme)
Pretty flexible but not free for hosted blog.
If you don't want to "waste" your time, you can always buy premium theme for your WordPress blog.
But because it's free, lots of people (or just few dudes thousands-of-blogs-cloners) use Blogger as spam marketer "playgrounds". Therefore, search engines usually tend to get "slower" to index newly created Blogger's blogs.
Once the bot-crawlers are familiar with your blog, bam!
The same thing as Blogger.
Either free or paid, WordPress blog always has superior SEO magnet because of its strict ToS (Term of Services) policy about spam.
All your internet usage behavior (if you're logged in) and static files (if you put them there) are stored in Google's cloud. Only few of very talented super apes can get "near" that fortress. "Thick wall" indeed.
The "related" data cultivation for enhancing Google's services.
I don't mind that.
Your data is stored in Tumblr's cloud. Different stronghold.
For self-maintained WordPress, your uploaded data is stored in your own host's cloud.
Your own "private" fortress, I suppose.
More independent, but then you surely need lots of extra work to manage it.
Ads Serving
Google AdSense.
You can maintain and combine it with direct advertising via DoubleClick.
You can use your blog's AdSense as your YouTube videos ads.
You can also use other ads network/affiliations, but those can't be used on your YouTube videos.
Ads Serving
Just like Blogger.
Ads Serving
If you're using, for blog that has good traffic, that certain blog can run WordAds (ads from WordPress).
Self-maintained WordPress blog can use tons of ad plugins. There are AdSense, Chitika, etc.
To be unique and sophisticated, you need to learn it from other Blogger techie bloggers. Then develop your own things.
Blogger blogger.
Just like Blogger, you need to have an everlasting learning motivation.
The same as those two, you need to learn it from other WordPress techie bloggers. But, there's a lot of predefined plugins you can choose (either paid or free) on plugins directory. Such as image galleries, map, calendar, etc.
Adult Contents
An update from Blogger: it's more strict now. You can read the new policy there
Adult Contents
You have to flag your blog as NSFW (Not Safe For Work).
If not, Tumblr will automatically do that based on users' feedback.
Then, Tumblr has the authority to make it a bit "invisible" to search engines. It's still there, but a little bit hard to find via Bing or Google or others.
Also, no weird things allowed and you can't make money from it.
Adult Contents
You may have an adult blog on, it's categorized as mature blog, plus the same additional regulations as Tumblr: no weird things and no porn paid links/ads.
For self-maintained WordPress blog, you may want to consult that to your hosting provider. Usually, the standard providers will give pretty much the same regulations as Tumblr/
You can do your own research about that.
A LOT about techie-techie. Usually about front-end, customizing Blogger blog, using Blogger's Client API, optimizing ads, adding/removing elements, etc.
Some other percentage about everything else, such as technology trend, news, etc.
Well, um... it depends.
Almost the same as Blogger.
This-person-is-awesome kinda first impression.
Blogger Tumblr WordPress

So that.
Is the list.

Thanks for visiting!
Saying Hi and Famous Blogging Platforms Comparison

1 comment

  1. In 2015, Medium( can be option because you don't have to think how to build the site but concentrate on writing/reading articles. Also, If you are developer(software engineer), Wiredify( ) can be the option. Please check them out :)


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